Research facilities

Research Policy and IPR Policy




The Department of International Studies, Political Science and History focuses on high-quality research and has implemented successful research practices to promote research-based teaching-learning and knowledge production.

The department is active in research, primarily in the areas of International Relations, Political Science and History. Our faculty members are well established and well recognized researchers in their areas of specialization. The presence of research-oriented teaching and learning, nurtures the ambience for quality that facilitates constructive discussions, fruitful deliberations and critical evaluation of the projects that help the aspiring researchers to produce quality output.

1. Publications

1.1 Journal Articles:

As per the University policy, the faculties are expected to publish minimum 2 research articles in Scopus indexed journals in an academic year. The Ph. D research scholars need to publish minimum 2 research articles in Scopus indexed journals before thesis submission.

The Department faculty would also identify promising manuscripts of student dissertations to convert them into joint journal articles. The Department has introduced compulsory research paper for its Masters students that would ensue in publications in peer reviewed journals.

1.2 Popular Writings: 

It is agreed that each faculty member of the Department will write at least one article per semester (two articles per academic year) in the popular domain. Such articles would be based on current events or topical interests.

The popular domain includes newspapers, websites of think tanks and online/print magazines.

1. 3. Books:

The Department faculty will also strive to bring out larger versions of academic publications like books and monographs. Those faculty members who have not converted their PhDs/MPhils would do so in due course. The faculty also would make efforts in bringing out edited books in turns by collation of articles from experts within or outside the Department.

2. Collaboration

2.1 Internal Collaboration

Other than the expert clusters the faculty are free to collaborate with any faculty member depending on the need for collaboration. The faculty members are also encouraged to collaborate with students or faculty of other departments. Each cluster is expected to develop its own plan of action on research projects and publications.

2.2 External Collaboration

There are three broad sources for external collaborations:

  1. Government: Ministries, Funding bodies like ICSSR, UGC; Think Tanks like IDSA, ICWA, CLAWS, and USI.
  2. Private: Corporates like Harman/Samsung and Tata; Funding bodies like KAS and private think tanks like Carnegie India.
  3. International: Universities like Shanghai International Studies University; Funding bodies like United States Institution of Peace (USIP); and Think Tanks like Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS).

3. Consultancy

Consultancy for the department is being looked at two levels:

At the individual level, an opportunity at Wikistrat, a cloud source consulting firm based in UK, has been identified. The faculty will be included based on their interest.

At the Department level, it is important to project the specialization of the Department. In this regard, it has been agreed that South Asia and Maritime Studies has been identified as areas of expertise.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy for the Department of International Studies, Political Science and History, Christ University

1. The Department of International Studies, Political Science and History, Christ University, is committed to fostering a culture of innovation, research, and scholarly excellence. This IPR policy outlines the framework for protecting, managing, and commercializing intellectual property (IP) generated within the department and the dedication in promoting the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and creating an ecosystem for innovation and knowledge transfer. The policy is framed keeping in mind the SDGs 4,9,16 and 17
2. Definition of Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. It includes but is not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.  

3. Ownership of Intellectual Property

Faculty: Faculty members retain ownership of their intellectual property unless created as part of their employment duties or funded by external grants with specific ownership provisions.

Students: Students generally own the intellectual property they create, but the university may have rights to use or license it for academic or non-commercial purposes.

Department: The department may own intellectual property created collaboratively by faculty, students, or staff, or when developed using department resources.

4. Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and Innovation

The department is committed to promoting the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and fostering innovation. Initiatives towards this achieving this will be included and they are as follows:

· wase3dIKS Curriculum: Integrating IKS concepts into the curriculum to enhance students' understanding of India's intellectual heritage.
· Research on IKS: Encouraging research on various aspects of IKS, including its relevance to contemporary challenges.
· IKS and IPR Awareness: Conducting workshops and seminars to raise awareness about IPR and its connection to IKS.

5. Regular Workshop will be held to

· Create awareness on IPR and on ways to protect IPR
· Collaborate with the university's IPR office.

6. Outcomes and Impact

The department has achieved significant outcomes in promoting innovation and knowledge transfer through consultancies and projects.

7. Review and Amendment - The IPR policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its alignment with the evolving intellectual property landscape and the department's goals.

Note: This IPR policy is a general framework and should be customized to reflect the specific needs and circumstances of the Department of International Studies, Political Science, and History, Christ University.


(Deemed to be University)

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